Monday, April 4, 2016

Easter in Alabama

We were so excited that we got to go home for Easter. It isn't very often that we can make that trek for a holiday. Most holidays Jeremy either has to work or only has 1 day off. We managed to get 4 vacation days and spend TWO whole days at home. Although it doesn't sound like much, it was great to spend Easter with out family and friends!

I thought the driving (in my case, riding) was going to overpower the trip, but this time it wasn't so bad. Amelia slept most of the way and kept herself fairly entertained while she was awake. She snack a lot and played with her toys. She did great and only fussed a couple of times.

Taking a little mini vacation like this is a great refresher. Which, Jeremy and I need fairly often. We get sort of bogged down with our responsibilities and the monotony of the day to day. We combat this weekly by trying to explore the area around us and go for some pretty long walks. It just doesn't give the same amount of satisfaction as a road trip. I love exploring new places, but lately, going home has been the best. It is an adventure in itself, because Amelia is always learning something new. I love to see things through her eyes. There is a lot to explore in Grandcam's yard, rocks to find and flowers to pick!

She did a good job 'hunting' for Easter eggs. She figured out pretty quick that they needed to go into the basket, but then she wanted everyone else to pick them up for her. It was extremely cute and she had a blast, running and rolling around in the grass. Since she was the only kid there, it was all about her. And, she was totally okay with that!

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