Monday, April 18, 2016

Rustic Clip Frame

First and foremost, Jeremy and I have no idea how to build anything. We aren't the handiest people on the planet, but I really wanted a frame to go over our bed. I also didn't want to pay a fortune for it. Frames this size are pretty expensive. And, we already had some really cheap wood from a previous project that I wasn't a huge fan of.

We tore that old project up and went to work putting this together. We don't have many tools and definitely not technical skill, which is why this is a "rustic" project. I feel like most people use the word rustic to mean "I just left it rough around the edges instead of really trying." Whatever works! I like the style of most rustic projects.

This frame is 28" x 68" and fits nicely above our king  size bed! We had them cut the boards at Home Depot when we bought them. They charge per cut, but it is cheaper than buying a saw for sure, especially if you don't do this sort of thing often! I'm not going to give you guys instructions, because I wouldn't even know how! Just wanted to share our little project and maybe give you guys a bit of inspiration.

     The beautiful artwork that we built this specifically to display is by Nashville based artist, Kelly Mckernan. Please, please, go check out her work on her website or her Facebook!

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