Tuesday, February 2, 2016


  1. 1.
    the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.

     If only it was truly that easy to define it. Home.

     It is weird to live in one place, but have your home be in another entirely. Our house is in Jacksonville. It is, for the time being, our place of residence. It is were our little family lives. But, our home, is in central Alabama. The places we grew up in are about 15 miles apart and the area that surround them will always be home. It is where most of our family lives and where we really feel a deep rooted connection with, well, everything.

     It is also strange that we feel such a strong urge to stay while we are there, considering we always wanted to move away, when we were younger.  We could hardly wait to get out and now, when we are home, we never want to leave. Everyone always asks us, "when are ya'll moving back?" We never have a good answer. We have no idea what our future holds, but we hope it will bring us closer to home again.

     Our visit home is always great, but this one in particular was different, better. I think it was because of Amelia. She had grown so much, in size and personality, since November, that it was all brand new to her again. She warmed up to people faster (besides letting my mom and dad hold her, which we still can't get going) and played more. She babbled peoples ears off and gave everyone tons of hugs and kisses. She loved visiting and it made our being there even more special. 


     One of my favorite parts of going home is spending time on the patio at my parent's house. You can't go out there without having a good time! We were lucky to have a night where it was really cold enough to light the fire pit and sit around with family and friends. Jeremy brought out his guitar and played for everyone and let me tell you, that man never ceases to amaze me (or my dad for that matter). My dad was bragging on his "son" the entire night. Jeremy was jamming over backing tracks and it was some of the best playing I had heard from him in quite awhile. He is so talented and I am always astonished by his ability to adapt to different styles. I could probably write an entire blog about his skills (and I just might)! It is nights like that that I miss the most and they are always a treat when we are there. 

     Saying goodbye to everyone and making the trip home is always tough. When we got back to Jacksonville last night, it felt weird and bittersweet. We are home and we aren't... always looking forward to the next visit and counting down the days until we can make the trek again. 


  1. So sorry I missed seeing Amelia!( and both of you!)

    1. Hopefully, we will get to stop by the shop and see you the next time around!
