Saturday, January 23, 2016

Christmas in January

It is finally time for us to go home for Christmas! We always make the trek towards the end of January, since the holidays are a no vacation time zone for Jeremy. I am so excited to take Amelia home to visit with everyone. We haven't been back since early November and she has changed so much since then!

I am also very excited about the fact that my parents don't have WiFi. That seems crazy, right? But, it allows us to really focus on family time and put our phones down for awhile. That being said, I won't be updating the blog at all next week. I'm sure I will have lots to post when we get back though.

Maybe, I'll have some good toddler car trip advice by then. That little munchkin turns this 6 hour drive into something closer to 7 or 8 hours. Not exactly fun, but totally worth it.

Do you guys have any tips or tricks that you use to keep your little ones happy in the car?

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