Friday, January 22, 2016

Commissioned Artwork - Oscar

My latest piece of artwork was a commission for a friend. As I'm sure most of you have gathered, I normal just draw female faces. It is sort of my go to theme whenever I pick up a pencil.

I really enjoyed working on this because its subject matter is a bit out of my comfort zone. It was especially challenging because it is supposed to be her cat, Oscar. It is hard for me to stick to reality in my artwork and actually pick up the personality of the subject. Obviously, I was super stoked to hear that she thought the work was spot on.

Her original vision for the work was something a little more dark, but as we started discussing colors it evolved into what you see now. I am over the moon, pun intended, with the colors in this piece. They really pop and play off of each other. I am a big fan of this color combo for sure.

If any of you are interested in purchasing a commissioned piece, contact me on my Facebook page!

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