Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Beard Balm-Citrus Woods

My husband loves his beard and I have definitely grown to love it too! So, when he was talking about wanting some beard balm the other day, I took to the kitchen and whipped some up! We already had everything I needed from the last time I made a batch of beard oil and it turned out perfect. He has been using it in his beard everyday since. The balm helps to keep his beard tame, as well as acting as leave in conditioner. It had improved the luster and feel of his beard for sure!

The initial investment in ingredients and supplies for this type of thing is totally worth it. It has become very hip to produce and sell products like these and therefore it's often pretty costly to buy them already made. I for one don't want to shell out $30+ dollars every time my husband runs out of this stuff. It is much more cost effective to make it myself. Plus, it is pretty fun too.

I found the recipe here. She gives a great run down of all the components and the purpose they serve within the balm. I tweaked it to go with what I had on hand and added more of the essential oils, because my hubby and I like for the scent to really come through. Here is my take.

Beard Balm: Citrus Woods

Makes around 8 oz.

  •  1/2  cup of coconut oil
  • 4 tablespoons of grated beeswax
  • 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil 
  • 1 teaspoon jojoba oil
  • 4-5 drops of sweet orange essential oil
  • 4-5 drops of cedarwood essential oil
  • 9-10 drops of pine essential oil
  • small glass jar
1. Melt grated beeswax and coconut oil over low heat using double boiler method. 
2.  Once completely melted, remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients. 
3.  Poor into glass container and allow to cool completely. 
4. Enjoy! 

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