Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Time for Blogging

I really wanted this blog thing to work! Man, but with my baby girl, who is 14 months old now and my mission to detox myself from all this tech, things have been looking grim! I've started to have a brief amount of time during the day where it seems possible to do this again. I really hope I can find the time to make it work.

Like I mentioned above, I've been on a tech detox of sorts. I've been keeping the TV off  more during the day and uninstalling apps that kill time (besides Pinterest, because obviously I'm an addict). It has really made a change in my life for the better. We all get so wrapped up in our phones and what have you, that it takes away a lot of our real life experiences and replaces them with virtual ones. I have been a more effective wife and mother since I started to let go of these habits and overall I think I'm happier.

I find myself in front of the computer during my daughter's nap. She's a co-sleeper. I've come to terms with that. I hated it at first, but it's what she wants and I really do love the cuddles. So, when she settles down for her midday nap, I'm stuck in bed with nothing to do. I often browse the web and find new recipes and projects during this time, but I miss writing. I miss it with a passion. Not that I ever really did much with it. I just enjoy having a creative outlet and it's not like I can sketch with one arm stuck under a sleeping baby.

I'm going to make a real effort this time to keep this blog updated. Even if it's only with Instagram photos of my many random projects and adventures. Not everything has to be perfect all of the time. I am so glad my brain is finally starting to accept that notion and I can live in the moment more and worry less. 

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