Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My Recipes

 I won't even begin to claim that I have original ideas when it comes to food. I am not chef or a foodie. I'm a housewife. I browse Pinterest (Follow me here!) for ideas just like everyone else.

I often find some recipe with an ingredient list a mile long and alter it to fit what I have on hand or what is cheapest. That is what I will be posting here. My versions of recipes I have collected all over the place. Whenever it is possible,  I will give credit where credit is due. 

It's hard to find time to cook. I have a baby that constantly wants her mama. Her mama is tired. She needs a shower more than a meal. It seems like fast food is a great option, right? We fell into that habit right after she was born and our waistlines have paid for it. I'm trying my best to get us back on track, to go to the farmer's market every Sunday to pick up the produce for the week, to avoid the inner isles at the grocery store, to just be healthier. 

We are in a transitional period. We still have boxes of processed foods that I'm trying to use up.  I don't want to be wasteful and throw them out. It's hard to do, very hard. I don't even know if we will succeed, but that won't stop me from trying! 

I hope you all enjoy my food. I know that I have had people asking for recipes for awhile and this seemed like the most efficient way to get them out there. 


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