Thursday, June 4, 2015

Big Talbot Island

by Gloria Aitken

It was a cloudy, lazy day and absolutely time to get out of the house. I had been talking to my husband about scoping out good picnic spots. I've become obsessed with the idea of picnicking. I mean totally obsessed. I'm sure that will take up its own post soon enough. 

by Gloria Aitken

I knew the weather wasn't picnic worthy, so we just set out to find a new place. New places shouldn't be hard to come by since we have only lived here for a year...but they are. I don't know if I'm just picky or if there are genuinely no places around here to go to. 

Big Talbot Island, a Florida State Park, my dream come true. This park is situated off of AIA. We pulled into the parking lot and immediately noticed the beautiful trees that cover the park. There is a path that you have to hike to get to the shoreline. The whole experience reads as much more exotic than just a normal trip to the beach. I love it!

by Gloria Aitken

 I would suggest going at low tide. In our inexperience, we arrive precisely and unknowingly at high tide. There was hardly any beach to speak of, but there is plenty of beautiful driftwood. I should probably call them drift trees. They are a protected feature of the park. I am told you can see more of them at low tide and I can't wait to go back and explore further. 

Admittedly, it is a bit of a hike to make with a baby, but she had a blast! I mean, how perfect is this? 

We had a beautiful little trip on am otherwise gloomy Monday. It is things like this that make me the happiest. Finding a gorgeous place in the middle of nowhere and spending time with my loves.

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