Friday, February 26, 2016

Creating Inspiration

I have the hardest time keeping myself inspired to create. I feel like this is something that a lot of artists struggle with. I can't even tell you how many times a week I get everything out to start working, stare at the paper for five minutes, and put everything away. It can be really tough to have this happen over and over again. If you are a creative type, I'm sure you can relate to this sort of frustration.

I came to a realization the other day though. Sitting around and just hoping for my muse to hand me a completed work wasn't going to get me anywhere. It takes actually sitting down and getting started. You have to put in the effort to get going and by doing so, you can create your own inspiration.

I put Amelia in her chair and gave her some art supplies. She got straight to work on her beautiful scribbles and I got to work on mine. I put pencil to paper and before I knew it, I had the entire under-drawing completed.

I had no vision for the piece when I started, although I do have an underlying theme in almost all of my work. Each little part of the sketch led to the next and then I hit a block.  I had a wide expanse of negative space and I had no ideas. And the best advice I can give when this happens is to walk away. Leave the piece unfinished, shut it up in your sketchbook and forget about it for awhile. Coming back to a drawing with "new eyes" is the best thing you can do. I do this also when I am not liking a picture. Often times, when revisited, it isn't as bad or as hopeless as originally thought.I hope I can take my own advice on these things in the future. Always, always try.

I am still learning to watercolor, so the rest of the process was a bit touch and go. I decided to texture all of that negative space. I used a dropper and rubbing alcohol to get a texture I like. I'm honestly super happy with the way it all turned out. The last step in my process involves going back over the painting in marker, to bring out my lines.

If I had never taken it upon myself to get inspired, I would have never created this. I think that would have been a real shame.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens

     We took Amelia to the zoo to see the animals for the first time yesterday! We had taken her to the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens last Halloween, but none of the animals were really out at night. She really enjoyed looking at everything and spending time outdoors, as did we, even if it was chilly!

     She did really great in and out of her stroller! That's a really surprising statement considering she has always hated to be strapped into that thing. We took her out a couple times to see things where the fences were too tall, but she spent almost all day in there. The zoo was really stroller friendly for the most part, not that it wasn't a workout.

     Now, about the zoo itself. They house over 2,000 wild and exotic animals and over 1,000 types of plants. Some of the larger exhibits include The Range of the Jaguar, Land of the Tiger, Giraffe Outlook, and the Great Apes. The zoo is essentially a safari covering East Africa, Asia, Australia, and more! They have great exhibits on Florida wildlife, amphibians, and birds. Many of the animals were put up during our visit because it was too cold out for them, but we had a great time seeing the ones that were still in their habitats.

     The gardens are beautiful! Many of the plants were actually in bloom, which was a pleasant surprise in February. The Butterfly Hollow is a seasonal exhibit, but the paths through it lead to a beautiful view of the Trout River. There is seating scattered throughout the garden and it was absolutely a lovely space late in the afternoon!

     Another point I would like to hit on is the food. They have pretty standard and yummy fare at their cafes, but their sweet shop is fantastic! They have absolutely amazing fudge, ice cream, and a huge selection of candy. Their fudge is so good that Jeremy actually convinced me to buy this much of it! They have lots of different flavors. We got Rocky Road, Birthday Cake, Heath, Cappuccino, Dulce De Leche, and Butterfinger. He swears it take us a along time to eat it all, but I'm already doubting that!

     We had a great day! It is an absolutely beautiful and fun zoo and we will definitely be making a return visit in the future.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


  1. 1.
    the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.

     If only it was truly that easy to define it. Home.

     It is weird to live in one place, but have your home be in another entirely. Our house is in Jacksonville. It is, for the time being, our place of residence. It is were our little family lives. But, our home, is in central Alabama. The places we grew up in are about 15 miles apart and the area that surround them will always be home. It is where most of our family lives and where we really feel a deep rooted connection with, well, everything.

     It is also strange that we feel such a strong urge to stay while we are there, considering we always wanted to move away, when we were younger.  We could hardly wait to get out and now, when we are home, we never want to leave. Everyone always asks us, "when are ya'll moving back?" We never have a good answer. We have no idea what our future holds, but we hope it will bring us closer to home again.

     Our visit home is always great, but this one in particular was different, better. I think it was because of Amelia. She had grown so much, in size and personality, since November, that it was all brand new to her again. She warmed up to people faster (besides letting my mom and dad hold her, which we still can't get going) and played more. She babbled peoples ears off and gave everyone tons of hugs and kisses. She loved visiting and it made our being there even more special. 


     One of my favorite parts of going home is spending time on the patio at my parent's house. You can't go out there without having a good time! We were lucky to have a night where it was really cold enough to light the fire pit and sit around with family and friends. Jeremy brought out his guitar and played for everyone and let me tell you, that man never ceases to amaze me (or my dad for that matter). My dad was bragging on his "son" the entire night. Jeremy was jamming over backing tracks and it was some of the best playing I had heard from him in quite awhile. He is so talented and I am always astonished by his ability to adapt to different styles. I could probably write an entire blog about his skills (and I just might)! It is nights like that that I miss the most and they are always a treat when we are there. 

     Saying goodbye to everyone and making the trip home is always tough. When we got back to Jacksonville last night, it felt weird and bittersweet. We are home and we aren't... always looking forward to the next visit and counting down the days until we can make the trek again.