Sunday, March 20, 2016

Back Online

I'm glad to be getting this up and going again. Our "old" computer, wasn't making the cut and we had to take it back after having it for almost a year. We bought the coverage on it and although it was a hassle, ultimately everything worked out. So, I'm writing this blog from our new Surface 3. I have only had it for a few days, but I already am having a wonderful time with it.

I am going to be able to start blogging again, which I am really looking forward to. I'll be able to use Lightroom and Photoshop again, which is a definite plus. And, the most amazing thing of all, is that I can draw straight onto the screen. This is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time. I have played around in Photoshop for a long time, but I am going to be able to seriously do some digital art. I'm so excited!

I worked on my first drawing for roughly 3 hours yesterday. It took me quite a while to figure out how I wanted everything layered, but I'm super happy with the end result. I can't wait to learn more techniques and hone my skills.

We are heading home for a mini vacation next weekend. Amelia will be getting to spend Easter with her grandparents! You can be sure that there will be a blog about our trip home.

I am also about to undertake a play kitchen remodel. Details on that will be posted periodically. I do so enjoy my projects and this should be a great one!